Page 146 - South Mississippi Living - January, 2022
P. 146

 The Memorial Foundation
Everyone on the Coast knows about Memorial Hospital, but many may be surprised to know that the Memorial Hospital Foundation exists. We were established in 1986 as a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a goal to develop relationships and financial resources to support the needs of the hospital and its patients.
Memorial Hospital is a not-for-profit hospital that is owned jointly by the city of Gulfport and Harrison County. Memorial does so much for our community, but our leadership also saw a need for a Foundation that could actively seek funding for patients in need. Through that vision, countless Coast residents have been helped by one or more of our funds since our inception.
What sets us apart from other non-profit organizations
is that 100 percent of donations to the Foundation stay in our community and directly benefit their intended purpose. We have over 20 patient-need funds that include Oncology, Cardiology, NICU, The Randall Speck Pediatric Fund, Lori Sneed Ostomy Fund, and many more. These funds are used daily by social workers who identify patients that otherwise would not be able to afford medications or may not even have a way to get to and from treatments and appointments. In the past year, our Oncology Fund has assisted Memorial’s cancer patients over 4,000 times. In 2021, we also provided over 50 mammograms to women in our community, purchased medications for our cardiology patients over 750 times, purchased trach supplies for patients, and so much more. These are people that live and work right here on the Coast, and we want to take care of them.
All of this is only possible through generous support,
and we are eternally grateful for those that make our mission a reality. The Foundation is supported by employee giving, third party fundraisers, internal fundraisers,
private donors, and grants. We are beyond thankful for amazing organizations such as Carter’s Champions,
Krewe of Neptune Line 1, the Don Sykes Have a Heart Golf Tournament, and so many other school groups and professional organizations that believe in what we do and have a desire to help those in our community. Through
the generosity of our donors, the Memorial Hospital Foundation assists thousands of people in their darkest hours, and we absolutely couldn’t do it without them.
I say this constantly because it’s true – it’s almost unbelievable
to me that I get to wake up every day and serve in this position. I have a front row seat to watch our amazing Gulf Coast community take care of each other. We are a region that is, unfortunately, accustomed to hardships. Whether it’s recovery from a natural disaster, oil spill, or from a disease or injury, the residents of the Mississippi Gulf Coast take a team approach to helping each
other. I’ve learned that no matter the issue we face, we do it as a community, always looking out for our neighbors. It’s truly what makes the Mississippi Gulf Coast so special, and I’m thankful every day to call it my home.
146 | January 2022 | SOUTH MISSISSIPPI Living

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