Page 5 - Hancock County Tourism ~ 2021 History
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Do you know about...
the Pearl River
The Pearl River begins its 400-mile long journey in Neshoba County in east-central Mississippi and flows through the capital of Jackson where the Ross Barnett Dam and Reservoir provide water and recreational opportunities for the surrounding area. Closer to the coast, the river divides into the West Pearl, Middle Pearl, and East Pearl. The lower sections of the Pearl and East Pearl form the boundary between Louisiana and Mississippi. The East Pearl empties into the Mississippi Sound where marshes and oyster reefs thrive.
The Pearl is home to some 110 species of animals. Historical records indicate that the river was named for pearls found in mussels in the river.
Pearl River backwater (Photo/Charlie Brenner)
  Floating saloons on the Pearl River in Hancock County, Mississippi

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