Page 6 - Alcorn State University: Identity Standards
P. 6

PMs COlOrs
C3 M36 Y100 K6 R206 G142 B0 HTML CE8E00
C80 M95 Y0 K35 R75 G48 B106 HTML 4B306A
alcorn BranD iDEnTiTy
PMS 131 C
PMS 269 C
PMS 131 U
PMS 269 U
C3 M36 Y100 K6 R206 G142 B0 HTML CE8E00
C80 M95 Y0 K35 R75 G48 B106 HTML 4B306A
C3 M39 Y97 K9 R195 G136 B52 HTML C38834
C70 M85 Y9 K7 R108 G89 B127 HTML 6C597F
hexadeCiMal COlOrs
A six-digit number used on Web pages to set colors in hTML, CSS, SvG, and other computing applications.
PMS 131 U
Gold: #e9a713
3 M39 Y97 K9
269 U
Purple: #46166a
R195 G136 B52
HTML C38834
Brand COlOrs
C70 M8
R108 G89 B127
Controlling the consistent use of color in all applications is crucial to maintaining the power of the brand. The standard for matching color across various applications is the Pantone Matching System (PMS).
The approved coated brand identity colors (in addition to black and white) are PMS 131 C Gold and PMS 269 C Purple. When necessary, these colors may be converted to a four-color process or RGB version.
The approved uncoated brand identity colors (in addition to black and white) are PMS 131 U Gold and PMS 269 U Purple. When necessary, these colors may be converted to a four-color process or RGB version.

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