Page 5 - Alcorn State University: Identity Standards
P. 5

Minimum size is 2’ wide Minimum size is 2’ wide
aCCePtaBle ClearanCe and MiniMuM siZe
The brand identity and its ability to communicate should not be infringed upon by other type or graphic elements. This requires a minimum acceptable space around the logo to be adhered to.
acceptable clearance is established by creating a unit of measure (X) by measuring the height of the logo icon. That distance should be the clearance border around the logo. An exception to this clearance distance is the use of the Alcorn website address and/or phone number or physical address. All other art, type, and graphic elements should remain out- side of this safe zone.
The minimum size the identity should be is 2’ wide.
alcorn BranD iDEnTiTy

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